
Pre-planning for funeral services is a serious matter. It protects you and your loved ones. For this reason, the State of Texas has established a website to provide additional education and resources for those in the process of considering pre-planning funeral goods and services. Please visit for important information supplied by the Texas Department of Banking who oversees pre-planned funeral insurance policies.

Talk about how you want to be remembered.
Talk about what you want and what you don’t want.
It’s just a conversation. It’s just a talk.
We plan for most everything throughout our lives. The best plans and the best decisions are made when we have educated ourselves about each option before us, weighing the pros and cons of each.

There are only two ways to pre-arrange your end of life choices or to help with pre-arranging loved one:
Written directions without financial funding. Your family will work cooperatively to raise the necessary funds to pay for the Services at the time of death. This may include crowd-funding, plate lunch sales, taking out a loan, or use of credit cards.
Written directions with financial funding. Your family will present the funeral home with a pre-arranged funeral insurance policy, life insurance policy, or pay for services directly from a bank account.

Get the pros and cons so you can make an educated and informed decision.
On-Line Resources provide the convenience of educating yourself at your own time and in the comfort of your home. This one has interesting activities you can download.
Talk to the experts…Your funeral staff at Austin-Peel and Son Funeral Home. You’re not obligated to anything. You’re just having a conversation and educating yourself.
Attend a pre-arrangement seminar. These seminars are held quite often and at various times and locations in order to accommodate our busy lives. It’s a group atmosphere that is relaxed and informative. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions.

Talk to the experts…Your funeral staff at Austin-Peel and Son Funeral Home. You’re not obligated to anything. You’re just having a conversation and educating yourself.
Attend a pre-arrangement seminar. These seminars are held quite often and at various times and locations in order to accommodate our busy lives. It’s a group atmosphere that is relaxed and informative. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions.
Of course we want you to pre-arrange and secure your decisions through a pre-arranged funeral insurance policy. We also want to see you with car insurance and health insurance and additional life insurance. We want you to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest. We actually care. We know how thankful family members are when they lose a loved one and find out he or she pre-arranged. We also know the relief individuals feel once they know they have protection.
Most importantly, we just want you to talk about it. Talk about end of life issues with your family and with us.